Sixth Meeting
The sixth annual APPAP meeting took place on 9 December 2022 and was hosted by APR2P Centre Director, Prof. Alex Bellamy. Prof. Bellamy especially welcomed APPAP's newest members, Femlink Pacific, Nisa ul Haqq f Bangsamoro (Philippines), and the Leadership, Governance and Human Rights Programme at the University of the South Pacific.
APPAP Working Groups on Gender and Atrocity Prevention, COVID-19, and Prevention of Hate Speech and Incitement, offered an overview of their work in 2022, as well as a discussion of potential ways to improve in the next year. The meeting also included a presentation from Md. Arman Hussein on behalf of the Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention. Hussein discussed the Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention's activities over the past year, which included a youth empowerment project, and a filmmaking project.
Prof. Bellamy commended all the members of APPAP for their hard work over the past year but also raised the need for more information sharing among the network to facilitate knowledge, learning, and collaboration.
You can read more about the meeting in the Spotlight report here (PDF, 971KB).
Fifth Meeting
The fifth annual APPAP meeting took place on 9 September 2021. The meeting was once again held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting featured updates from key APPAP Working Groups, as well as presentations of recent advocacy efforts, and activities from the Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention.
The Welcome Address was delivered by Prof. Mely Caballero-Anthony from the Centre for Non-Traditional Security, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, who paid special mention to the new APPAP members. Following this, Australia's national R2P Focal Point Mr. Adam McCarthy addressed the meeting, highlighting the resilience of the region when facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the broader discussion in the meeting focused specifically on how to prevent atrocities in the unstable climate of COVID-19.
For further information on the meeting, you can view the Spotlight report here (PDF, 439KB).
Fourth Meeting
The fourth annual APPAP meeting was held on 9 September 2020, and co-hosted by the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (APR2P) and APR2P's Philippine Office in Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines. Unlike previous meetings, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was held online. Due to the pandemic, much of the discussion regarded how COVID-19 impacted on human rights protection. A new working group was established to conduct a study on how the pandemic could affect atrocity prevention in countries in the region. Updates on the hate speech prevention working group, the Youth Core Group on Atrocity Prevention and the APPAP Secretariat were also provided.
Details of the meeting can be found in the Spotlight report (PDF, 675KB).
Third Meeting
In August 2019, APPAP members convened in Jakarta, Indonesia, joined by special guests including UN Special Advisor to the Secretary General on the Responsibility to Protect, Dr Karen Smith, and Mr Allaster Cox, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy Jakarta. The program included a business meeting with the theme of “Implementing R2P in the Asia Pacific: Overcoming Challenges, Building Resilience”, a youth forum, training on gender-based atrocity crimes for human rights defenders, a dialogue with Indonesian MPs, executive training on R2P and the annual Dr. Surin Pitsuwan Memorial Oration.
Read more in the Spotlight report (PDF, 880KB) on the meeting.
Second Meeting
The second annual meeting of the APPAP was held in Bangkok on the Siam Anantara, Bangkok, Thailand on the 22nd of August 2018.
The partnership, which grew from 14 to 19 member organisations in the previous 12 months, discussed the challenges, goals, and achievements of APPAP. The landscape of atrocity prevention in the region was reviewed against the backdrop of current challenges, such as crises in Myanmar, North Korea and the Philippines. The achievements in the area of atrocity prevention were highlighted, as well as key opportunities for further work, for example, ASEANs current commitment to the ‘culture of prevention’. Two key working groups (‘Atrocity Prevention Awareness Raising’ and ‘Gender and Atrocity Prevention’) presented their work over the last 12 months, and their recommendations for future action.
Read the full report (PDF, 443KB).
First Meeting
The inaugural meeting of APPAP was held in Singapore in November 2016, at which Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, former Secretary-General of ASEAN and Chair of the High-Level Advisory Panel on the Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia, welcomed the new alliance and commended its shared vision of region that protects its people from atrocity crimes.
Read the full report (PDF, 2.7MB).