
The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect seeks to transform the principle of the Responsibility to Protect into a practical guide for action in the face of mass atrocities.

Areas of Work

The Global Centre engages in advocacy around specific crises, conducts research designed to further the understanding of R2P, recommends strategies to help states build capacity, and works closely with NGOs, governments and regional bodies which are seeking to operationalise the Responsibility to Protect. The Global Centre has offices in New York and Geneva.

Atrocity Prevention Programs/Activities

Through its programs, events and publications, the Global Centre serves as a resource and a forum for governments, international institutions and non-governmental organisations working to protect populations from mass atrocities.


Dr Simon Adams

E: sadams@globalr2p.org

Ms Nadira Khudayberdieva

E: NKhudayberdieva@globalr2p.org

