
IPD is a learning community which promotes the free exchange of ideas. The Institute works in partnership with national governments and their representative institutions, civil society organisations, higher education institutions, think-tanks and the media. It seeks to proliferate the sharing of experiences and the building of knowledge around democracy and peace, in addition to the development of knowledge and skills of democratic institutions, the promotion of democratic values and principles, and the strengthening of IPD as a think-tank and support system.

Areas of Work

IPD primarily works in the areas of peace and democracy, with a focus on Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Atrocity Prevention Programs/Activities

IPD has initiated a series of workshops in cooperation with various stakeholders in Indonesia, Egypt and Tunisia, to share experiences in nurturing and consolidating democracy. In Indonesia, IPD has conducted a series of training programs for journalists about gender, democracy, peace and presidential democracy, and in the Asia-Pacific region, IPD and its partner institutions have conducted political party leadership programs.

Additionally, IPD and the Indonesian Press Council have established the Bali Civil Society and Media Forum, a pillar of the Bali Democracy Forum. IPD also focuses its programs and support on ASEAN, particularly Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLMV), to help consolidate state institutions.


I Ketut Putra Erawan

E: ketut.erawan@ipd.or.id

