New Translations of Key International Hate Speech Prevention Standards

5 Aug 2021

APPAP, together with APR2P and Southeast Asia Parlimentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (SEAPFoRB) has translated several new international standards into Southeast Asian languages.

These standards relate to religious freedom and provide information for parliamentarians, religious leaders and other stakeholders on the importance of this freedom and how best to foster it in their local communities. 

There are also translations of various 'Plans of Action', which put forward ways to counter hate speech stemming from religious intolerance, and how this intolerance could incite violence which could then morph into atrocity crimes. 

They had previously been translated into Bahasa Indonesia, and now Burmese and Thai translations have also been added. They can be viewed from the Working Group on the Prevention of Hate Speech and Incitement page. 
